Sign up for the free 6-week Fall Learn Persian Bootcamp, starting September 30th! Learn More

Your one stop shop for learning the Persian language

We offer a slew of language learning materials to help you along your Persian language learning journey, no matter what level you're at.

Try Free for 30 Days

Your Persian Learning Journey

Sign up for a 30 day trial of our program

You can choose from three pathways to the Persian language- Speak, Read/Write or Poetry- OR, better yet, you can go through all three paths at the same time. They’re designed to work together with our ALL ACCESS membership (the most popular option!). The trial is risk-free- you can cancel your membership at any time with no questions asked!

Get Cultured!

We believe language learning should be an immersive experience, not just about grammar and vocab, but cultural as well. Check out our blog for lots of articles about Persian culture. You’ll also find interviews with prominent Iranians about the culture and language and much more.

Join the conversation!

We pride ourselves on having a thriving community of Persian language learners. Join our email list to get more information about how to become involved in the community. We’re also active on Instagram!

You can learn Persian with us right now!

We make learning the Persian language fun, accessible and most importantly, ACHIEVABLE! No matter where you are on your Persian learning journey—join us!